How to suspend an infected corona virus

Corona viruses can lead to a variety of symptoms. These emerging symptoms depend on the type of Corona virus attacking, and how serious the infection occurs. Here are some symptoms of corona virus that is relatively mild:
- The nose is edged.
- Headaches.
- Cough.
- Sore throat.
- Fever.
- Feel bad body.
Fever that may be high enough if the patient is suffering from pneumonia.
- Cough with slime.
- Shortness of breath.
- Chest pain or tightness during breathing and coughing.
Coronavirus Infection Diagnosis
To diagnose a Corona virus infection, the doctor will start with anamnesis or a medical interview. Here the doctor will ask about the symptoms or complaints that patients suffer. In addition, the doctor will also conduct a physical examination, and blood screening to help enforce the diagnosis.
The doctor may also conduct phlegm tests, take samples from the throat, or other respiratory specimens. In case of suspected coronavirus novel infections, the Doctor will do a throat swab, DPL, hepar function, kidney function, and PCT/CRP.
Complications of Coronavirus infection
Corona viruses that cause SARS disease can cause complications of pneumonia, and other severe respiratory problems when not treated quickly and appropriately. In addition, SARS can also cause respiratory failure, heart failure, liver, and death.
Almost identical to SARS, the coronavirus novel can also cause serious complications. This viral infection can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome, renal failure, and even death.
Coronavirus Infection Treatment
There is no special treatment to overcome corona virus infections. Generally the people with will recover by itself. However, there are some efforts that can be done to relieve the symptoms of Corona virus infection. Examples:
- Taking medication is sold freely to relieve pain, fever, and cough. However, do not give aspirin to children. In addition, do not give cough medicines in children under four years.
- Use a humidifiers or a hot bath to help relieve sore throat and cough.
- Take a break.
- Strengthen body fluid intake.
- If you are concerned about the symptoms you are experiencing, please contact the nearest health care provider.

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Especially for corona viruses that cause serious illness, such as SARS, MERS, or coronavirus novel infections, the treatment will be adjusted to the disease and condition of the patient.
If the patient has a coronavirus novel infection, the Doctor will refer to the local Ministry of referral RS. If it cannot be referenced for some reason, the doctor will do:
- Insulation
- The thoracic photo series is as indication.
- Symptomatic therapy.
- Fluid therapy.
- Mechanical ventilator (when the breath fails)
- When there is accompanied by bacterial infections, antibiotics can be administered.
Coronavirus Infection Prevention
Until now there has been no vaccine to prevent Corona virus infection. However, there are at least a few ways that can be done to reduce the risk of contracting this virus. Here's what to do:
- Frequent breaks wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds until clean.
- Avoid touching your face, nose, or mouth when your hands are dirty or unwashed.
- Avoid direct or close contact with sick people.
- Avoid touching animals or wild fowl.
- Cleans and sterilises the surface of frequently used objects.
- Cover the nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing with tissue. Then, dispose of the tissue and wash your hands thoroughly.
- Don't leave the house in a sick state.
- Wear a mask and immediately get medication to the health facility when experiencing symptoms of airway disease.