Benefits of Boroco's efficacy for body health

The Boroco plant has a flower shaped with a length of 3 10 cm, a pink/purple color, a rather bright black seed, a flower growing at the ends of the branch. Boroco has the color of the leaf there are green and there are red color, round shape of egg elongated, pointed end, smooth jagged edges almost flat.
Here are the benefits of Boroco including:
- Take the Boroco flowers as much as 60 grams, 60 grams of meat
- Rebuslah all the ingredients earlier
- Drink the water and eat the flesh
- Prepare the Boroco seeds as much as 15 grams, chicken liver to taste
- Rebuslah all the ingredients earlier
- Consume the results by eating.
- Take 30 grams of boroco beans, 1 glass of water
- Then prepare the material above until the remaining 1/2 glasses of water
- Divide into two
- Drink 2 times
- Prepare fresh boroco flowers as much as 30 – 60 grams, meat to taste
- Rebuslah all the ingredients into soup
- Eat the results