10 must-know Coronavirus Facts

What phenomenon is happening? After thorough investigation, Corona Virus became the main keladi of the panic. The thing that needs to be underlined, this virus can be contagious quickly, causing death.
Then, how does the case development of Corona virus globally? What is the Indonesian Government's response to this condition? So, what does the World Health Organization (WHO) says about this mysterious virus?
Well, here are the data and facts that Halodoc compiled from various international and national sources.

1. Spreading to other countries
The Virus that can cause the pneumonia first appeared in the City of Wuhan, China. The Chinese government said this corona virus comes from wild animals sold in the Huanan seafood market.
Since then, the infected traveler from Wuhan has transmitted the virus to other countries. To date, Corona virus has spread to seven countries. From Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, and the United States.
2. Suspected of bats
Corona Virus is a zoonotic disease, meaning it is transmitted between animals and humans. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in America has also confirmed the connection between the bat and the Corona virus. According to experts there, Corona virus is a virus circulating in some animals, including camels, cats, and bats.
Actually corona viruses rarely evolve and infect humans and spread to other individuals. However, the case in China is now the real evidence that this virus can spread from animal to human.
3. Close relatives of SARS and MERS
According to experts at WHO, Corona Virus is a large family of viruses that cause flu disease, to a more severe illness. For example, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).
A flashback to the back, the SARS that appeared on November 2002 in China, spread to several other countries. Starting from Hongkong, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, UK, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, to the United States.
The SARS epidemic which ended until the middle of 2003 was plunder 8,098 people in different countries. What about the number of victims? At least 774 people must lose their lives as a result of the severe respiratory tract infection.
4. Mysterious, no vaccine yet
The Virus that caused the outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan, China is quite mysterious. Experts identify as a new type Corona virus. It is named after a coronavirus or 2019-nCoV novel.
In fact, there are several pneumonia vaccine aimed at preventing pneumonia. However, the vaccine is not able to prevent pneumonia that is currently present due to the new Corona-type virus. Therefore, the Chinese government quarantined the city of Wuhan with a population of 11 million people.
5. Already consuming victims
Until now there have been cases of Corona viruses that came into Indonesia. However, we should not be tempted by this mysterious viral attack. Because, this virus has at least been infected with 830 people who mostly occur in Wuhan. According to the government, at least 25 people have died from Corona virus attack.
6. From Fever to chest pain
Corona Virus can pose a variety of complaints on its pengidapnya. Ranging from fever, cough, breathing difficulty, sore throat, and headaches. In addition, according to experts at the National Institutes of Health-MedlinePlus, viruses that infect these upper respiratory tract can also cause severe symptoms. This viral infection can turn into pneumonia with a variety of symptoms.
For example, high fever, cough with mucus, shortness of breath, to chest pain. These symptoms can be even worse when it comes to heart or lung disease, people with weakened immune systems, infants, and the elderly.
7. Risks can be minimised
Although there is no vaccine yet to prevent Corona virus infections, there are at least a number of ways that can be done to reduce the risk of contracting this virus. Melansir National Institutes of Health-Coronavirus, there are a few tips that we can do.
Frequent breaks wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds until clean.
Avoid touching your face, nose, or mouth when your hands are dirty or unwashed.
Avoid direct or close contact with sick people.
Cleans and sterilises the surface of frequently used objects.
Cover the nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing with tissue. Then, dispose of the tissue and wash your hands thoroughly.
Don't leave the house in a sick state.
Things to underlined, when experiencing corona virus infection symptoms, immediately meet the doctor to get the right treatment. You can ask a doctor directly through the application Halodoc about corona viruses and how to prevent them
8. To roll out 1.9 trillion funds
Want to know how much funds should be spent on combating Corona virus outbreak? The Chinese government must at least issue a cocheck of 1 billion RMB (US $144 million) or about Rp 1.9 trillion. This statement was issued directly by the Chinese Ministry of Finance on Thursday, January 23.
9. Indonesian entrance tightened
Director of contagious Disease Prevention and Control, Ministry of Health RI, said, there is one patient who is unexpectedly infected with Corona virus. Patients who are now hospitalized in RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta, have a history of travel from China. Until now, the hospital still made further observations.
Minister of Health RI, Terawan Agus Putranto, in a release in Sehatnegara Iku-Kemenkes, said the government tighten the entrance of the country by alerting the detection tool in the form of Thermo scanner.
The goal is clear, in order to prevent the inclusion of Coronavirus Novel (2019-nCoV) to Indonesia. Through these tools, passengers can then be detected early on whether there are potential symptoms infected with certain viruses.
To date, a total of 135 thermo scanners have been activated at 135 the state entrance, both land, sea and air. Not only that, the government also provides a health alert card, until the preparation of 100 RS referencing emerging infections.
10. What is the WHO word?
The World Health Organization (WHO) has not declared a Corona virus as "public health emergency". This decree is assessed temporarily because this virus is a new case. According to the Director general of WHO, the determination of this global health emergency will continue to evolve according to new information received.
Want to know more about the above problems? Or have other health complaints? You can ask the doctor directly and through the application Halodoc. In an effort to prevent transmission of viral infections, you can also buy N95 masks in the Halodoc app. Let's download the Halodoc app right now on the App Store and Google Play