There Are 10 Eye Signs It's time to see your eye doctor

Dr. John Lahr , medical director of EyeMed, said that the symptoms that often appear in the eye are very broad, so the only accurate way to find out what the problem is is to consult an ophthalmologist.
Below are ten symptoms in the eye that require further action:
1. Blurred / blurred eyes
If you cannot recognize your friend who is about 3 meters away, or cannot see the writing in a magazine at close range, then there is a possibility you have nearsightedness or farsightedness.
2. Difficult to see at night
If your vision becomes blurry at night so you can't see your cat in the yard at night, then you might experience cataracts .
3. Difficult getting used from dark to light
That means the muscles that help the eye to contract weaken. Usually caused by increasing age.
4. Blur when viewing a computer screen
Have you ever been busy working at a computer, but suddenly the writing or image on the monitor suddenly looks blurry? This may be an early symptom of myopic Start your day by staring at the same page on your computer, but at different distances each day. Then observe the difference to see if there has been any progress (or even a setback) in your vision.
5. Eyes are tired
Tired eyes are what will happen if you have blurred vision but still force yourself to look without the aid of glasses, ie by squinting or rubbing and winking frequently to clarify vision. Eye fatigue can also be caused by too long driving, writing, or staring at the monitor screen .
6. Repeated dizziness
When the mechanism of the cornea and lens of the eye fails to focus on an object, the small muscles in the eye are forced to work hard. The result is the eyes become tired and cause headaches. It's easy, if you have to squint to see an object, you need glasses.
7. Shaded vision
You most likely have problems with the cornea or eye muscles. Cataract symptoms can also be.
8. Wavy vision
When straight lines look wavy and colors look faded, this may be a symptom of macular degeneration , which is a decrease in the middle function of the retina and can cause complete loss of vision.
9. See halos
If you are looking at an object and the object has halos even though there are no objects that can reflect light around you, then there is a possibility that you will have cataracts or farsightedness. These halos usually appear more often when you look in the dark.
10. Pressure on the eyes
When you feel pressure behind the eyes, there is a possibility that your eyes have glaucoma . Check with an eye specialist first.
What happens if I have to wear glasses?
According to Dr. Penn Moody , founder of Moody Eyes, there are 4 easy steps to help you adapt to using glasses, namely:
1. Use glasses every day
Using glasses every day will speed you to adapt to glasses. Use according to doctor's requirements. Take off your glasses when you feel dizzy and reuse when you feel dizzy.
2. Move the head, not the eyes
Beginner eyewear users often complain of dizziness because they move their eyes too much. Move your head, not the eyeball, to minimize dizziness, although you will need time to fully adapt.
3. Clean the lens regularly
Dust and stains will complicate your adaptation to new glasses, so do regular lens cleaning.
4. Store the glasses safely
Before going to sleep, keep the glasses in the box to avoid bending and scratching of the lens. Besides being unsightly, damage to the glasses will also slow down the adaptation process.